The project will be led by NTUA, which also coordinated RENESENG. Based on the success and experience acquired by RENESENG, the Project Steering Committee of RENESENG-II will apply the same approach of project governance, progress monitoring and decision making. The committee will meet at least once per year to plan and implement the research and innovation. Additional video conferencing are expected to take place on a more frequent basis, not only between the committee members but also with WP leaders, and seconded staff to monitor a smooth progress and identify risks. Prof. Kokossis as a project coordinator has a vast experience on successfully managing projects of similar size and activities. NTUA will set-up a local Project Management Team directed by the Project Coordinator, and including at least one Technical Quality Manager, who will coordinate all WP leaders, manages the technical work and implements the quality procedures to technically approve the work and deliverables. The Project Management Team will be the one dealing with day-to-day project coordination, technical management and administration, ensures the financial records, cost claims and administrative reports in accordance with programme guidelines. Financial management strategy: NTUA has extensive experience in managing research projects and international networks. The University has hosted a number of Marie Curie Fellows under FP7 Fellowship schemes (i.e. RENESENG) and the department participated in the BIOCORE integrated project of FP7, one of the most important biorefinery European projects. Each partner institute will receive, manage, and carry the sole responsibility for its local funds. 30% of the Institutional Unit Cost will be held in a central budget, controlled by the SB and administered by the Network Administrator (in NTUA). It will be used for central activities (meetings, etc.). The exact modalities will be included in the Consortium Agreement. In addition, the Network Administrator will verify cost reports submitted by each team periodically before they are passed on to the Commission and will advise the teams accordingly.The Partnership Agreement at the start of the project will establish the details of the exchanges in terms of the WP tasks of each individual researcher. It will also establish the rules for ownership of background and foreground IP. NTUA will maintain an overall record of project expenditures, for reporting and monitoring by the Project Steering Committee.
Training School-2: Process integration and industrial symbiosis (application to future biorefineries as part of existing industrial clusters, visit to industrial clusters);
December 13-15: hybryd online and F2F
Training school-1 : Advanced municipal waste valorisation : application of BSE tools for thermochemical treatment, integration to infrastructures, food-energy-water nexus.
Date: 08/09/2022 – 14/09/2022
Place: Guildford, Un. Of Surray, UK
September 8, 2022
Antonis Kokossis
Passcode: N.CB*3N$
September 12, 2022
Michael Short
Passcode: @qw9U+6K
September 13, 2022
Antonis Kokossis, Judy Lee (combined recording including 30 min break in between talks)
Passcode: *B=cZ6+T
September 14, 2022
Antonis Kokossis (recording of hybrid seminar at Surrey)
Passcode: 7&n?c18w
Optimisation for sustainability by Prof Urmila Diwekar:
Optimisation for sustainability 1 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 2 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 3 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 4 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 5 (U Diwekar).mp4
And Waste valorisation by Dr Tomas Ramirez-Reina:
Waste valorisation (TR Reina).mp4
Workshop-3: Project overview “Best case solutions”, business development opportunities, exploitation potential
Place: Toulouse
Date: 15 June 2022
Sample gallery images
Workshop-3 (1).jpg
Workshop-3 (2).jpg
Workshop-3 (3).jpg
Workshop-3 (4).jpg
Workshop-3 (5).jpg
Workshop-3 (6).jpg
Workshop-3 (7).jpg
Workshop-3 (8).jpg
Workshop-3 (9).jpg
This year’s KT CONSORTIUM Annual Meeting will be held only as an online event, due to uncertainties regarding Denmark’s opening conditions. As in the previous years, the meeting is joined with the CERE Discussion Meeting. The program includes 3 sessions: Thermodynamics, Water and Electrolytes, Process System Engineering, and Bio-Process System Engineering. This year there is one extra session with invited industrial and academia speakers from the EU project RENESENG II, where DTU was part of.
RENESENG II Kick-Off meeting is on the 13th of July at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Athens, Greece.