Title Authors Reference Info Download
“Waste Streams Property Characterisation in Biorefinery Systems Engineering Using an Ontology Approach” Olivia A. Perederic, Franjo Cecelja, John M. Woodley, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Antonis Kokossis 3rd International Conference on Functional Materials and Chemical Engineering 15-17 December 2019, Bangkok, Thailand S.S. Mansouri, I.M. Mujtaba and R. Gani (Editors) in Journal of Functional Materials and Chemical Engineering Journal of Functional Materials and Chemical Engineering, Pages: 189-194, ISSN: 2707-0530, Publisher:, Year of Publication: 2019
“Life Cycle Analysis of Phenol – Formaldehyde Resins Substitutes with Lignin” Olivia A. Perederic, Aikaterini Mountraki, Electra Papadopoulou, John M. Woodley, John M. Woodley, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE30), 24-27 May 2020, Milano, Italy S.S. 2020 Elsevier B.V. Vol 1, No. 1, December 2019 Pages: 607-612, ISSN: 9780128233771 (printed), 9780128233788 (electronic) Publisher:, Year of Publication: 2020
“A method for quick capital cost estimation of biorefineries beyond the state of the art” Mirela Tsagkari, Antonis Kokossis, Jean-Luc Dubois Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining Vol 14, Issue 5, September 2020, Pages: 1061 – 1088, ISSN: 1932-104X, Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Year of Publication: 2020
“Digitizing sustainable process development: From ex-post to ex-ante LCA using machine-learning to evaluate bio-based process technologies ahead of detailed design” Paraskevi Karka, Stavros Papadokonstantakis, Antonis Kokossis Chemical Engineering Science Volume 250, 15 March 2022, 117339, ISSN:0009-2509, Publisher:Pergamon Press Ltd., Year of Publication: 2022


Training School-2: Process integration and industrial symbiosis (application to future biorefineries as part of existing industrial clusters, visit to industrial clusters);

Training School-2: Process integration and industrial symbiosis (application to future biorefineries as part of existing industrial clusters, visit to industrial clusters);

December 13-15: hybryd online and F2F





Training school-1 : Advanced municipal waste valorisation : application of BSE tools for thermochemical treatment, integration to infrastructures, food-energy-water nexus.

Training school-1 : Advanced municipal waste valorisation : application of BSE tools for thermochemical treatment, integration to infrastructures, food-energy-water nexus.

Date: 08/09/2022 – 14/09/2022

Place: Guildford, Un. Of Surray, UK


Invited Speakers

September 8, 2022
Antonis Kokossis
Passcode: N.CB*3N$

September 12, 2022
Michael Short
Passcode: @qw9U+6K

September 13, 2022
Antonis Kokossis, Judy Lee
(combined recording including 30 min break in between talks)
Passcode: *B=cZ6+T

September 14, 2022
Antonis Kokossis
(recording of hybrid seminar at Surrey)
Passcode: 7&n?c18w

Optimisation for sustainability by Prof Urmila Diwekar:
Optimisation for sustainability 1 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 2 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 3 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 4 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 5 (U Diwekar).mp4
And Waste valorisation by Dr Tomas Ramirez-Reina:
Waste valorisation (TR Reina).mp4

Workshop-3: Project overview “Best case solutions”, business development opportunities, exploitation potential

Workshop-3: Project overview “Best case solutions”, business development opportunities, exploitation potential

Place: Toulouse

Date: 15 June 2022






KT Consortium Annual Meeting 2021

This year’s KT CONSORTIUM Annual Meeting will be held only as an online event, due to uncertainties regarding Denmark’s opening conditions. As in the previous years, the meeting is joined with the CERE Discussion Meeting. The program includes 3 sessions: Thermodynamics, Water and Electrolytes, Process System Engineering, and Bio-Process System Engineering. This year there is one extra session with invited industrial and academia speakers from the EU project RENESENG II, where DTU was part of.

Reneseng II Kick-Off Meeting

RENESENG II Kick-Off meeting is on the 13th of July at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Athens, Greece.

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